Imaginative Teaching Resources & Inspirational Career Ideas from the Chilled Food Industry


  • Kitchen Confidential What's in my fridge?

    The Food Standards Agency investigates fridge contents ranging from cheeses to sticky toffee pudding to explain ‘Best Before’ and ‘Use By’ labelling.

  • Kitchen Confidential Through the keyhole.

    What’s the very first thing you must do before preparing food? Video diaries reveal bad habits and highlight good behaviour in the kitchen.

  • Diarrhoea?

    Straight talking food safety information, with a memorable message.

  • Washy Washy Hands Hand Washing Technique

    Sing-a-long step-by-step guide to good hand hygiene for younger students.

  • Hand washing for kids Crawford the cat.

    Time-less hand washing guidance for younger children from Crawford the cat.

  • Sweet Sustainable Science -DNA

    In this short, but sweet, video Sam Holyman shares an innovative lesson idea for the science classroom. All that’s needed are jelly babies, strawberry laces and cocktail sticks.

    Check out all the Sweet Sustainable Science ideas here.

  • Sweet Sustainable Science - Gas Particles

    Sam Holyman uses a spinning straw and a pen to show how to model gas particles.

    You’ll find all the Sweet Sustainable Science ideas here.

  • The Cool World of Chilled Food - Careers in Chilled Food Part One

    CFA’s Karin Goodburn and Matty Desforges from Samworth Brothers take you on a fascinating journey through the world of careers in chilled food.

  • The Cool World of Chilled Food – Careers in Chilled Food Part Two

    CFA’s Karin Goodburn and Matty Desforges from Samworth Brothers continue their exploration of the coolest careers in the chilled food industry.

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